I went to church before made a surprise for Yoghi! :D
ooooops! I forgot to tell you about yesterday night! Cindy called me and told me that yekha wants make a surprise for his cousin, Yoghie Idris. So I asks my mom and my mom said that Yoghie's house is too far and I told cindy that my mother didn't let me go. So she called me and talked to my mom, and my mom let me gooooo (:
waiting yekha to picked me up, was so boring! I only wasted my time to online online and online. It makes me felt boring ! ):
so i take a pitcure in webcam. this is the pitcure;

at 10.30 pm, Yekha picked me up. after picked me, Yekha went to Stella's house and Tale's house. We arrived at Yoghi's house at 11.50 pm. soo we just waiting in the car untill 12.00 pm!
then we go to the Yoghie's house secretly.. we are hiding in the kitchen.
then after he finished praying with his family, we go inside his house and flush him with water! hahahaha :p but his sisters flush him with flour and egg! iuuuuuuu~ yucks. his body become sticky and smelly! huahahaha
then we shared together and his mom gave us to ate. after he made some jokes, his sister go to outside and bring some 'stuff'.
yoghi don't know what is inside the box. his father opened it and let the FROG jumped on the floor. omg! yoghi ran to the garage and cried in there. huu~
poor him ):
at 2.00 am we went home and I arrived at home at 3.00 am! hahahaha
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