Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

secret thing has been answered

hello! I want to explain more and more and more about my feelings inside here --> <3. but, sorry. I can't. hmm, living my life is not easy. believe me, maybe because of I am cheerful doesn't means that I am always happy and live without problem. I am fragile and the problems are chasing me. but I always try to be a strong girl. hardly. Dreams, the one that makes me smile even I am in the hardest part of mine. I have so much plans to make it real. To make my dreams come true. just like all the people wants. I thought that easier to pass my plans one by one. But it doesnt work. My mind forces me to think positively, my soul forces me to thinks negatively. errrg. and this point is sucks, here, only money could changes people. you have money, you have future, you have friends, you have a lot of happiness, you have everything (including love). yeah, money changes the world. and I only could see it slowly. Do your knowledge, your pure heart, your brave, your appearance cant buy any attentions? If you don't have it lots, could you reach what do you want? hard works, is it influential?

Okay, I haven't much times to confusing the problem like that. God told me only to do my best. The way that I can. He will make it. Believing Him, without any foundation to believe. Cant see the future of mine, but He does. :)

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Sekolah telah tiba!

Liburan gue akan segera berakhir. Tapi entah kenapa ada perasaan senang, karena gue udah memilih jurusan yang gue suka. ya, IPS! Gue memilih apa yang emang gue inginkan sejak lama. walau orang bilang, sayang lah sia-siain nilai IPA, atau kenapa ga pilih IPA aja? IPA lo kan cukup dan blablabla. tapi gue harus ikutin kata hati dong? hehehe :D ya intinya gue senang sekali! semoga di kelas XI IPS 1 semuanya seru. penasaran banget! pengen cepet masuk sekolah! tapi 3 hari awal gue MOS-in adik kelas dulu. jadi gaikut pelajaran deh 3 hari. ckck yauda lah gpapa :D

1 kabar yang buat gue seneng juga....... SABTU LIBUR! hahahaha semoga kelas XI bakal sangat menyenangkan! XI IPS 1, HERE I COME! :D

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010


jandi: 'I want to ask you something before.'

junpyo: 'what is it?'

jandi: ' I'm not pretty, I dont have status or money, I have nothing. why did you like me?'

junpyo: 'Because I have it all.'

jandi: 'what?'

junpyo:'money, and status, and looks .because I have all of it. I dont need anything. Just as long Geum Jan Di is Geum Jan Di.'

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

quotes for my dolly-dolls!

Disneyfacts: Woody is the most loyal and full of spirit toy that Andy has ever had. - for Kristian Felix (err, kikis emang seriusan dia orangnya begitu and full of spirit just like he's autism! hahahaha *jk kis)

Disneyfacts: Buzz is the most adventurous and brave toy that Andy has ever had. - for Kevin Danudoro (kade? ya dia cocok jadi pemimpin. pemimpin upacara, pemimpin buat osis mungkin? LOL)

Disneyfacts: Ken is the most romantic and gentle toy that ever been made. - for Derian Jakub (ian.. hahahaha ganteng deh! banyak cewe naksir ya ian? upss hehehehe :p)

Disneyfacts: Snow White is the most innocent princess. - for Jane Felia (aw jane ini cantik beneran supir mirip sama snow white. putih. rambut hitam pendek. hatinya lembut seperti salju ya?hehehe)

Disneyfacts: Cinderella is the most dreamy princess. - for me! (ya. dari smp emang terkenal suka berangan. ahahaha until the dreams come true, I will never stop dreaming.)

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

(pathetic) DREAMER

Sounds like I'm too childish or naive or stupid. Idk. But, I just want to be Bella Swan or Jan-di in reality. Can I? :)

Errhhh, my friends told me that I'm kinda pathetic dreamer.
Remember. With God, nothing's impossible, right? I should believe it.

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


Smiles in every way.
Hold on to take care of.
Laughs as much to cherish you.
Friends have it all.

Yess, true friends are more important than golds.
Not friends, but true friends.
Even your life seems so worst.
They could change your mind.
You can love your life more than ever.

Don't ever loose your true friends for something that not eternity.
Believe that true friends are more precious than love.
They are love. So, they're just more than that.

Bestie, even we're not together as always, hope in every place our heart never be apart.
Love you my old friends. Love you my HS's friends. Love you my now,forever and eternity friends. I know, God sent you all to coloring my days :)